Take a 360 Virtual Tour of Cold Lake
See the locations of our supporting members of the Chamber on the virtual tour map below.
Cold Lake Chamber Events
The Chamber hosts events and programs throughout the year to give our members the chance to network and showcase their work. Whether online or in-person, our events promise to connect you with the broader Lakeland business community.

Business of the Year Awards
An annual recognition and celebration of business excellence
The Cold Lake business sector is flourishing. We’re proud to celebrate its prosperity and growth with the Lakeland Business of the Year Awards (BOYA). BOYA is an annual recognition of successful Lakeland businesses, their contributions to our economy, and their passion for our community.

Feast at the Beach
Our Feast at the Beach event gives the best excuse to celebrate the end of summer. Join the festivities on the Labour Day weekend for this free, family-friendly event at Kinosoo Beach.

Travel with the Chamber
We have a long history of introducing our business community to the rest of the world. Join us for one of our fully-organized trips and come home with a renewed sense of purpose and possibility for your business.
Member Showcase
We exist because and for our members. Our Member Showcase highlights the work and backstory of local businesses. Get to know the faces of the Cold Lake Chamber. Read our member stories below.
Are you a Cold Lake Chamber member? Would you like us to highlight your business? Share your experience with the Chamber.
Member Showcase: Octopus Creative
Latest Chamber News
Learn about what we're working on. Hear news about our advocacy work and read about important announcements in our Chamber News.
Want to build your business in Alberta?
Join one of the most the most well-connected chambers in the province.
The Cold Lake Regional Chamber of Commerce is looking for entrepreneurs, non-profits, organizations, and community leaders to join us. Become part of the larger business sector in Cold Lake.

Want to build your business in Alberta?
Join one of the most the most well-connected chambers in the province.
The Cold Lake Regional Chamber of Commerce is looking for entrepreneurs, non-profits, organizations, and community leaders to join us. Become part of the larger business sector in Cold Lake.